How I Can Help

Being a mum can bring up so many different challenges and emotions. Juggling caring for our children with living our own lives, feeling overwhelmed when they are struggling and striving to be a perfect mum are some of the ways that motherhood can put a strain on our wellbeing and our relationship with our children.
During our sessions we will take the time to:
Explore and make sense of what is going on and what you would like to be different.
Develop your self-awareness of your thoughts, emotions and actions giving you more choice and the opportunity to interrupt unhelpful cycles and patterns.
Uncover your values and challenge the ‘shoulds’ that you have inherited from your family and our culture, freeing you to mother and live in a way that is authentic to you.
Connect with and learn to trust your intuition enabling you to truly honour your child's/children’s needs as well as your own.
Discover new ways of relating to yourself and your child/children to support healthy growth – yours and theirs.
Recognise and value your strengths and qualities so that you grow in confidence with who you are and what you bring to your relationship with your child/children.
Throughout our work together I will hold a compassionate respectful space for you and all that you share with me.
I offer in-person counselling, psychotherapy and equine assisted therapy.
Counselling is short-term (6-12 sessions) and is helpful for focusing on a specific struggle and orientating you in a direction towards long-term positive change.
Psychotherapy is long-term and which I offer on an open-ended basis. Working together for longer allows us to work at more depth and breadth. This creates the opportunity to develop deeper and more detailed self-understanding, and to develop new ways of relating to yourself and your child/children with my ongoing support.
Equine Assisted Therapy is short-term (usually 4-8 sessions). Working therapeutically outside with the horses offers a dynamic and tangible way of developing self-awareness and resources to create positive change for you and your child/children. No riding is involved and no previous experience of horses is necessary.
Please get in touch to arrange a twenty minute consultation over the telephone which is free of charge.